Why Your Site Should Be Updated Regularly

    When it comes to online presence, regularly producing content is key. This holds true for your website as well. In this post I will discuss the benefits of updating your website regularly. There are many ways of doing this such as adding a blog post, restyling your homepage, security updates and more. In order to look professional and keep visitors coming back, updating your site plays a big role.

Content Updates

    Content updates are what draws attention to your site. By regularly adding new content to your website, it will give you a way to promote the site on social media to gain new visitors. If you make a new blog post on your website, you can link your social media followers to that post. The post gives your audience a reason to check out your website. Another example is if a restaurant updates their menu on the website. The social media marketer can use that as content. They should post something along the lines of “We have a brand new menu with all of your favorite meals and more! See our new menu at [INSERT LINK HERE] or stop on in.” By creating new content and promoting it on social media, you can easily grow yourself quite the following.

Aesthetic Updates

    Making changes to your sites theme can also be a great way to keep things fresh. With Aesthetic updates, it is better to be subtle about changes. You want to keep your site new and fresh but also maintain the overall color scheme and “feel” of your business. For example, it would be odd for McDonald’s to suddenly change the color of thier site to white and blue. It would be a huge branding error on their part. Adding some different pictures and changing up the animations a bit would be fine though. It is recommended to update your sites theme every 6 months to a year.

Security Updates

    Website security updates fix vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. While it isn’t as flashy as the aesthetic or or content updates, it is just as important. Content Management Systems that are used to create websites and plugins need to be updated regularly. Most of these updates involve patching security loopholes that can lead to damage. In order to keep your site secure, the administrator must check regularly to be sure there are no updates that need done. This is a rather simple process but many website owners neglect this because of lack of time spent checking on the site. One other thing that you should consider is downloading an SSL certificate. This makes sure that your sites data is secure when being transferred between the web server. Check out THIS article for more information on how and why to make sure your site is HTTPS secure.

Wrapping It Up

    Regular updates can make your site perform better and gives your visitors a reason to come back. This is great for your business because your website is your homebase where sales are made and clients are found. The more traffic you can generate on a daily basis, the higher your site will rank on search engines. Regular security updates can also help you rank higher. While many website owners make the mistake of building it and leaving it alone for long periods of time, regular updates can give you a distinct marketing advantage.

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