Why Your Site Needs HTTPS Secure Connection and How to Get it

Having a secure connection between your browser and web server is incredibly important for any website that handles sensitive information. If you are running an E-Commerce website that handles credit card info or a site that requires login information a HTTPS connection is necessary to safeguard that data from “man-in-the-middle” attacks. This type of attack occurs when a hacker intercepts information being shared between the browser and web server. Even if your website does not have sensitive information, having a HTTPS connection will make your site rank higher and can still be beneficial. 

What is HTTPS?

Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) is a secure version of HTTP where files that are shared between your browser and web server are encrypted so hackers cannot make use of the data that is transferred. This is done using TLS/SSL encryption. In order to obtain this type of encryption you must install a TLS/SSL certificate on your website. Some hosting providers offer the certificate for free while others require a fee.

How Do I Get a TLS/SSL Certificate Using WordPress

It is possible to get a TLS/SSL Certificate for free with WordPress. You will first want to download the following plugin.

WP Encryption – One Click SSL & Force HTTPS

After the plugin has been sucessfully installed and activated you will see WP Encription appear in your admin menu. Click it. There will be a button to install the TLS/SSL Certificate on to your site. If you are using the free version of WP Encryption your certificate will have to be renewed every 90 days.

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