Journal It Is Live! Share What You Do With The World

    My new social media platform is finally out! If you are a hobbyist, business owner, or someone who is doing cool and exciting things that you want to share with the world this is the place for you. At you can share your experiences and learn from other people who are in your field. Choose from many different topics or create your own. Next, you can start a thread and journal your progress in real time while receiving comments from peers. Read what other people are doing including experts who share their stories alongside you. 

    I created Journal It because it is different from any other platform out there. It is for a specific type of person. It is for the hobbyist, the entrepreneur, the athlete, and other people who are taking action in their lives. It is a place for you to share what you know and learn as a team with everyone else who is doing what you do. It is completely free to get started and a tremendous opportunity to share your story or learn the ropes of a new challenge. Get started at today. I’ll see you there!

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