First of all I want to wish everyone reading this a merry Christmas. The weather has been fierce in Ohio. Definitely not the best driving weather these past couple days. I am posting to update everyone on some changes coming in January. I am moving to Portsmouth Ohio on the 4th and will be working on finding business owners in the surrounding area who could use a web developer. Its been a busy month getting ready for all of this change and I am excited to see what lies ahead.
I have made some updates to my site as well and am continuing to work on making this blog look the best it can. Now that some of the bugs are sorted out I plan on posting here more. I will be discussing topics such as content marketing, web design, business, and more! I will also be talking about similar topics on my YouTube channel so head over that way to stay posted on the latest information. I hope everyone has a safe and fun New Years and that you accomplish all of your New Years resolutions.
Here are the links to my social media/email